Siding Master Certificate FC Exam
The Institute For Renovation Contractors is pleased to announce the 2020 English version of the Siding Master FC question pool has been completed. A Spanish version of the question pool is expected to follow. The question pool features a variety of topics, including all aspects of working with Fiber Cement Siding in a replacement contractor scenario.
Question Categories
The question pool will cover safety, ethics, tools, measurement, math, and primed and prepainted fiber cement siding materials. Topics include paint, caulk, house wrap, flashing, and fasteners.
The written exam is expected to last approximately 60-90 minutes. And will be made available to candidates online in 2020. Completing the Siding Master FC written exam will fulfill one of three requirements towards an IFRC Siding Master FC credential. Once the 3-year experience requirement has been fulfilled, a candidate can take the 2-day-long hands-on installation and demolition test. The hands-on test is a highly challenging assessment of a siding installer’s real abilities.
Many Contributors
The question pool is drawn from several sources, including fiber cement manufacturers’ best practices and training manuals and regulatory agencies such as OSHA. Power tool makers and other product manufacturers, such as paint, house wrap, caulking, fasteners, etc., contributed expert insights into the evolving question pool.